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Deutsche Kreditbank AG
Taubenstraße 7 - 9
10117 Berlin
Bayerische Landesbank (100 %)
Rico Noack
Head of Funding & IR
Clemens Lukitsch
Funding & IR
Anna Hawelka
Funding & IR
Kim Mona Dirksmeyer
Funding & IR
Deutsche Kreditbank AG
Deutsche Kreditbank AG (DKB), headquartered in Berlin, is one of the TOP 20 banks in Germany with more than 5.0 million private customers and total assets of EUR 121 bn. We attach great importance on entrepreneurial and sustainable action: We use 60% of our balance sheet total for loans, e.g. for the construction of apartments suitable for the elderly and families, energy-efficient real estate, outpatient and inpatient health care facilities, as well as for construction projects for schools and day-care centers throughout Germany. Thanks to sustainable customer relationships, DKB is a market leader in many sectors it operates in. Since the financing of a first wind mill in 1996, numerous renewable energy projects (wind, solar and hydro) have been realized with DKB as a banking partner.
data as of 2025-01-17
(*) Notes to the column Spread