EU Green Bond Standard - a big leap forward , or too high a bar?

Neil Day
The Covered Bond Report
With its EU Green Bond Standard proposed on July 6th EU seeks to introduce its own official label or „stamp of approval“, based on well-known private initiatives such as the ICMA Green Bond Principles or the Climate Bonds Initiative‘s Climate Bonds Standard. The consultation period for this regulation only ended in late September.
On 30 September, ICMA and vdp hosted a panel on the topic of “EU Green Bond Standard: a big leap forward, or too high a bar?” moderated by Neil Day, Covered Bond Report.
The panel consisted of Laurie Chesné, Natixis; Eila Kreivi, EIB; Axel Fougner, EU COM; Ozgur Altun, ICMA, and Bodo Winkler, BerlinHyp.
You can find the full video clip here.