Sascha Asfandiar (LL.M.)
Sascha Tamim Asfandiar (LL.M.) is a lawyer and Senior Manager in the Pfandbrief, Capital Market and Investor Relations division of the Association of German Pfandbrief Banks (vdp). He has been with the association since 2005 and working for the division since 2012. His responsibilities include topics related to EU capital market regulation and law, the Pfandbrief Act but also sustainability, ratings and digitalization.
He studied European, German and Polish law at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) and the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland). He is managing director and a member of the board of the German-Polish Lawyers Association, a lecturer in Polish civil law at the Free University of Berlin and the author of numerous publications. Previously, he was self-employed and worked for the Association of German Public Banks (VÖB), too.